Shush your inner critic
(and no, it’s not more mindset work)

Get My Ultimate Inner Critic

3 Steps To Get Out Of Self-Doubt and Into Self-Trust

A free guide for *healers* on how to overcome self-doubt so you can fully trust in your abilities and confidently help your clients.
(Spoiler: It’s connected to your intuition!)


In this guide you’ll:

Recognize your intuition as separate from the Inner Critic so fear doesn’t hold you back

Quiet the Inner Critic more easily when you know this *one* important fact

Increase your self-trust by connecting to your intuition and taking action on it

The front page of Andrea Janssen's Ultimate Inner Critic Interrupter is being viewed on a tablet that sits on a stack of books against a soft pink background

I’d be willing to bet you’re frustrated because you’ve tried..

Mindset work and reframing negative thoughts (but you still don’t trust that your skills and abilities are enough to get your clients real results)

Pushing through “limiting beliefs” by following the advice of “experts” (which feels terrible when you go against your internal “no’s”)

Writing out a list of your strengths and accomplishments, or reading your best testimonials to hype yourself up (why won’t the good feeling just stick?!?)

In my journey to overcoming self-doubt, I found that when I focused less on managing my thoughts, and focused more on processing the energy and emotions causing the negative inner dialogue, the easier it was to feel confident in my sessions. The “you’re not enough” voice faded away and I trusted myself more as I practiced listening to and acting on my intuition. And, that’s what I’m going to teach you in this free guide.

I absolutely love how you help me hear my own intuition. I'm beginning to understand how to speak the language of the soul and identify the difference between my brain talking and my soul, which has been so helpful in getting my mind chatter to quiet down.

- Sarah Miller, Certified Grief Coach

Meet Andrea Janssen


Andrea Janssen sitting on an olive green couch barefoot with her legs crossed wearing a black dress and black blazer and with her right hand under her chin as she smiles

I help healers (life coaches, energy practitioners, spiritual guides, etc.) who are ready to let go of self-doubt, confidently help their clients and grow their businesses.

My philosophy is we are all meant to navigate life from our inner guidance and that, without the Inner Critic or survival mechanisms of the mind, there would be no fear or self-doubt in following our intuition. Wouldn’t that be nice??

Mindset work is what people often turn to when trying to get rid of their Inner Critic, but they’re let down because it doesn’t effectively help you process the energy and emotions tangled with the negative thoughts which is essential to truly quieting the negative inner dialogue so you can hear your intuition.

I know you’re here because you have a lot to offer and you’re ready to take your business to the next level.

Trusting yourself and having an embodied sense that you are enough RIGHT NOW to help people without needing to prove yourself or receive external validation will require a new approach that doesn’t bypass your body, emotions, intuition and Soul.