Stop Worrying That You’re Not Really Helping Your Clients
Finally feel capable, competent and calm in your sessions and confidently build a thriving business as a healing practitioner
Hey Healer,
You’re here because…
You don’t want to fail your clients. You desperately want to help them get the results they’ve been struggling to achieve for so long. But in most sessions, doubt creeps in; you’re not sure you can do it.
Do you constantly wonder if you’re actually helping your clients?
(Sure, you get glowing testimonials, but that warm, good feeling doesn’t stick)
Are you not sure you actually know what you’re doing in a session?
(You think maybe more education, certifications, or mindset work would help… but you’ve already done a lot)
Do you have a voice in your head that says,
“Okay, so you did help someone.
That must have just been a fluke!”
Do you have the constant chatter of your Inner Critic saying things like “you’re wasting their time” and “people are PAYING YOU for this?!”

Are you so busy worrying about being able to DELIVER RESULTS that you struggle to stay present in your sessions, and to actually open to the energetic flow that allows you to really help them get results?

You don’t need more certifications or more mindset shifts to become the practitioner you’re meant to be.
What you do need:
A blend of energy medicine, coaching and spiritual guidance to help you *know* without a doubt - from your own inner knowing - that you have what it takes to help your clients and build your business.
Let’s just take a moment to celebrate you.
Because despite all of this — which is enough to drive anyone to give up and get a “real job” — you’re here.
Because Something in you knows that you have the power, the ability, the empathy and the knowledge to make a profound impact on the lives of your clients. That you are here, with gifts to share, for a reason.
Our work here is to turn up the volume on that SOMETHING inside you that knows…
* This is your purpose
* You really are helping people
* Yes, this is energy / magic / woo-woo AND it works
* How to tell people what you do clearly, without apology
* How to move forward with your business *your way*
That is the voice of your inner guidance
Aka. intuition
Aka. inner knowing
Aka. your gut
Aka. the physical/metaphysical sensation that tells you
“Yes, you’re doing this right.”

I’m Andrea, and my clients, like you, have done a LOT of inner work (and outer work - so many certifications!) on increasing confidence, self-trust, and healing old wounds. They’ve done mindset work, therapy, journaling, affirmations, positive thinking, manifestation — but the fear that “Maybe I’m just not cut out for this work” still clings.
I’ve done that work too, and struggled with my own self-confidence. And I can tell you that the confidence you seek is so much closer than you realize. It is possible to trust yourself fully and show up to each session feeling capable, knowing that you are enough and can handle anything that comes up.
Here’s what you need to know
Self-confidence comes from self-trust, and self-trust comes from knowing yourself on a soul-level, being clear on your intuition, then trusting and acting from it.
Intuition isn’t something reserved only for special, magical people. We ALL have intuition. It’s your truth - the Source of wisdom within you - that you can access at any time.
When you don't use your intuition, however, your mind resorts to relying on outside authorities and rules (like your parents, teachers and society) for your self-worth and guidance, which shows up as the inner critic.
As you take more action on your intuition you'll begin to trust yourself (and the Source within you) - finding your own answers and unshakable confidence within yourself.
It’s time to start taking more action on your inner guidance
The work we do together is designed to:
Get your body onboard to process emotions and energy that are keeping you in worry-mode, AND help you learn to listen to your intuitive cues that speak through the body.
Invite your intuition to speak up, and teach you how to differentiate its guidance from your mind-chatter and fears.
Take Action: Taking courageous action on your inner guidance is the scariest step, because it feels irrational, illogical and baseless (at least, that’s what your mind says). But this is how you learn to trust yourself.

The goal is for you to feel a fully embodied sense of enoughness, of your true authentic self, of your Soul — and be able to discern your intuition from your inner critic and fear.
And then, once you feel it, you’ll be able to act on it. Without a doubt.
In your sessions
In your marketing
In your life
You’ll be comfortable asking for money for your services.
You’ll easily talk about what you do and why it’s so great.
You’ll be able to market yourself without wanting to hide.
You’ll attract aligned clients who love working with you.
And you will see your business, your intuition, and your confidence grow hand in hand.

Work with Me
Find Embodied Self-Confidence
I’m talking about guiding you on a path to come back into alignment with your soul so you can trust your voice and show up confidently in your client sessions. This is the key to building a thriving business with grace and ease. It starts with connecting with your inner guidance.
Maybe this sounds too good to be true? It’s not.
You want to conduct a session confident that you’re making a positive impact on your client. Without living in fear that you’re having no effect, or worse, doing harm.
Discover what it’s like to work with me one on one and make the difference and impact you want to make in the lives of others.
Confident Clients Say
These goals are kind of funny to put down. Like "trust myself" and create my thriving business... both of these goals take time and moving through blocks. I've moved through SO MUCH of those since working with you. And I can see that these two roads will be two that I continue to evolve for the rest of my life.
As someone who already feels deeply in-tune with her body and emotions, I'm surprised by how much Andrea helped me see where I was still blocking myself.
I've gotten to a place that I don't think I'll ever be able to "un-see". I am in deeper communion with my body and its intelligence than ever before. And with this comes trust in myself, trust in the universe / my source / god, and from that I'm able to cultivate the beginnings of my heart-centered, intuitively led business, and make decisions from that place.
- Jess Bushnell, Certified Life Coach
I absolutely love how you help me hear my own intuition. I'm beginning to understand how to speak the language of the soul and identify the difference between my brain talking and my soul, which has been so helpful in getting my mind chatter to quiet down.
Our work together has enabled me to step more into my own as a coach. I feel less fearful about guiding clients into the depths of their subconscious.
- Sarah Miller, Certified Grief Coach
It was such an amazing experience working with Andrea! I signed up to work with her because I was experiencing fear and anxiety talking about what I do as an RTT coach. I now feel more confident and calm, even a month after working with her and through very challenging situations that have come up. I feel and see a real shift in my energy and my inner strength!
- Maria, RTT Hypnotherapist
I’ve been wanting to understand what I do (or can do) as an energy healing guide to help my clients, but it has always felt so abstract and intangible. Working with you, I’ve more consciously recognized the subtle shifts and felt them powerfully in my body. I am able to trust in the energy work more, the trust feels more solid, and I feel more confident in my work.
- Neomi May, Energy Healing Guide
Start by booking a call
Not quite ready?
I trust your timing.
Join my newsletter to stay in touch and as a thank you, I’ll send you my free guide to quiet your Inner Critic
frequently asked questions
This tends to be a good fit for energy workers, healers and practitioners of modalities that don’t have a linear cause = clear, measurable effect.
Clients who love this work are also ready to:Embody the belief that you are enough NOW
Trust the process and that what comes through you will help your clients find their result for themselves
Gain a deeper connection with yourself
Calm the negative self-talk (and even move towards positive self-talk)
Find security from within so you don't have to look outside for validation or assurance
Let go of the need for others to validate you in order to trust yourself to move forward
Be able to be with fear and anxiety, move through them, and not let them stop you in your tracks
Let go of the “I need to know”
And ultimately, you want to show up as your best authentic self in every session. You want to help your clients get the results that they want. You want a thriving, sustainable, soul-aligned business. And, you want to feel confident and aligned while doing it.
Sessions are conducted over the phone (I will call you at the time of the session). If you’re thinking “A phone call!?! Ugh, that sounds so impersonal!” you’re not alone. For most of my clients, this is something they’re turned off by at first as they’re so used to video calls. But, without question, for every single person, it ends up being something they absolutely love. (You can hear it directly from them here.)
The work we’re doing together is designed to help you connect within, to your own intuition and truth, and you can more easily do this when you don’t have visual distractions pulling your attention outside of yourself and you are comfortably relaxed. -
You’re encouraged to get as comfy, cozy as possible for each and every session. It’s so much easier to connect to your intuition when you’re relaxed. So, you can be snuggled up in bed with an eye mask on, laying down on a couch wrapped up in a blanket, sitting on a chair at your desk or even being outside next to the ocean. It’s completely up to you.
We’ll begin the session with you sharing what you want to work on and/or a problem, question, or something you feel is important.
As you speak, I’ll tune into your energy field, allowing your energy system (aka innate intelligence) to guide me. For every single person, this process is unique and can look like many things: guiding your awareness into a specific place within the body to feel a sensation, letting your mind unwind through you talking a lot, going through a specific practice or even complete silence as you rest in stillpoint. Despite the method, the end result is always to help you get in tune with your intuition and hear its guidance.
Each session ends with grounded exercises and practices to help you consciously embody the work. -
We’ll meet every week for the first 5 sessions. For the last 5 sessions, we’ll continue meeting every week or move to every other week depending on your process.
I’m based out of Phoenix, Arizona and sessions are available from 9am MST through 7pm MST Tuesday through Friday. -
No, I’m not a business coach and business strategy, mindset, marketing and selling all fall outside of my expertise and are best left to other experts. Our work together is about doing the inner work necessary so that you can quickly and easily utilize the business and marketing strategies that are most aligned for you. I’m happy to refer you to the best business programs and coaches that I know.
Yes! Monthly payment plans are available for the length of the program you enroll in. There is also the option of longer payment plans for those looking to pre-pay before working together. During our call we’ll discuss financial options that work best for you.
I intimately partner 100% with my clients, and I want to make sure it’s the right fit before any money is exchanged. This is why you'll complete an application and we'll have a call together before you sign up so that we both can best determine if the work I do is the best fit for you.
That being said, I have a 1 month love-it-or-leave-it policy. If after 1 month of working together you find that the process isn’t working for you, you can keep the program materials and the knowledge gained from our calls, and we will part ways. -
I am certified in Craniosacral Unwinding, Polarity Therapy, Soul Realignment®, yoga and breathwork and I’m initiated as a Reiki Master. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, an Associates degree in Mind-Body Transformational Psychology and have worked in the holistic wellness field since 2008.
I’m happy to answer any questions you have. Please send me an email at and we’ll take it from there.