Despite everything you’ve tried, self-doubt, lack of confidence and your very strong inner critic hits you hard in your sessions with clients
You'd love to know a new way to move through these negative blocks so you’re not stuck in your head while trying to tap into the flow of healing energy
I’m Andrea and I help healers (energy practitioners, life coaches, spiritual guides, etc.) like you feel confident and in your intuitive flow — in your client sessions, in your business, and in your life.
Healer, I know you have profound gifts to share. You’ve made it your mission to help people change their lives from the inside-out. It’s a tough job (and beautiful work), made tougher by the constant worry about whether you’re doing it right.
You're not alone if you find yourself
Caught in a cycle of needing to prove that you're able, worthy or ready to help others on their healing journey
Doubting whether you really know what you’re doing and if you’re actually helping your clients
Even though you have credentials and certifications and a long list of positive client results that unequivocally say: Yes, you know what you’re doing.
You know you can’t be fully present with your clients when you’re anxiously anticipating a pause, planning the next thing you’re going to say, or splitting your concentration between what you’re doing and the thought “is this even working?”
So, you go to work trying to fix this problem with:
More education
More trainings
More certifications
Pushing through “limiting beliefs” by following the advice of “experts” (which feels terrible when you go against your internal “no’s”)
Affirmations (saying “I am enough NOW!” for the hundredth time but you still don’t feel or believe it )
Therapy (to work through the fear and anxiety)
Writing out a list of your strengths and accomplishments, or reading your best testimonials to hype yourself up (why won’t the good feeling just stick?!?)
Mindset work and reframing negative thoughts (this works a little but you still don’t trust that it’s true)
Taking deep breaths and grounding when fear and anxiety show up in a session (these are great practices that work amazing when you’re already feeling safe, but not so helpful when you’re in a state of high anxiety and panic)
Praying to your guides and angels to help you work with your clients in a way that serves their highest self
But none of this is really helping (or to the level you want) and the self-doubt, lack of confidence and the very strong inner critic hits you hard.
You'd love to know a new way to move through these negative blocks.
Oh, you’re in just the right spot, friend!
That’s where I come in.
What you’re experiencing isn’t a mindset issue, it’s a spiritual issue.
You don’t need more education, certifications or mentorships, lists of accomplishments and positive client results.
They will not help you with this.
Here’s what actually will…
Being able to discern your intuition
- which is distinct from your inner critic or anxiety or even hope -
AND THEN trust it, express it and act from it.
You're experiencing self-doubt because your mind and intuition are not working together. Your mind is pushing you to stay safe and in familiar territory while your intuition is gently nudging you to expand and grow into your highest and fullest potential.
The mind chatter, fears and inner critic are the easiest to hear because they speak the loudest.
But, as you go into your body, your mind will calm down and you’ll be able to better hear your intuition. Then, as you take more action on your intuition, the more your mind will trust it and they’ll start to work in greater harmony.
When your mind and intuition work in harmony:
Your inner critic will fade quietly into the background
You’ll have more time and energy because you won’t be wasting it combating the negative self-talk, self-criticism and self-judgment
Self-trust will come naturally and easily
You’ll be clear on your intuitive guidance and the best action to take for your clients during a session
Your confidence will skyrocket
You’ll have an embodied, felt sense of your perfection, enoughness and worthiness right now which has you not shutting up about your services and offers, building a thriving business and helping more people NOW
We are all meant to navigate life from our inner guidance
I’m here to help show you how
my journey
I was once where you are. Struggling with a lack of confidence and self-doubt, I spent years frustrated, angry and anguished because I so desperately wanted to have a full-time career as an energy practitioner but was stopped by self-doubt and believing I wasn’t good enough.
I had gotten the certifications. I had done the continuing education and mentorships. I had done work healing my trauma and core wounds. I didn’t understand what I was missing. What I needed to fix. Why I was feeling a lack of confidence and self-doubt.
I finally realized that no certification, training, education, validation, verifiable proof, or whatever other external badge of approval was ever going to give me the confidence and self-trust I was seeking. I needed a different approach.
I constantly doubted if I was intuitive or “special” enough to be an energy practitioner.
That I had what it took to really help people.
Finding my confidence came from establishing a solid relationship with myself on a Soul-level
Through a combination of energy medicine, somatic based healing, intuitive guidance, spiritual wisdom, and coaching (all of which I use in sessions) I began to tune-in and reconnect with my inner guidance.
I began to embrace my unique gifts and way of being and stopped judging myself because I do my work in a different way than others.
I began to hear my true, authentic voice, which was infinitely loving, kind, supportive and confident.
I began to see, feel and know (in an embodied sense) the magnificence of who I am and that who I am is enough, perfect, whole and complete already.
I began to experience confidence as a state of being versus the external accomplishments and validation that I had believed I needed.
I also began to have an embodied realization that I was not my mind, and that the inner critic was drowning out the voice of my Soul. This helped me disidentify with the inner critic to discover my own true voice and that I had power to choose my thoughts.
You can have power over your mind
You can have unshakable confidence
You can trust yourself unapologetically
Today my clients come to me when they’re ready to deepen their connection to find their own truth. When they want to be held in a safe, sacred space. When they’ve tried all the things which haven’t helped to the level they want and need a new way to move through the blocks and restrictions.
After working with me, my clients:
Are confident in their skills and abilities
Know how their intuition speaks to them and can discern its intuitive cues
Deeply trust themselves, the process and flow
Know they are enough NOW, exactly as they are. No external validation and assurance required
Can’t shut up about their services and offers they feel good about - they love marketing and promoting themselves now
Are confidently building thriving businesses as a healing practitioners
All of this is available for you too, and I'm here to help.
some fun facts
+ I still align my underwear color according to the planet that rules that day, a practice I picked up after following Ayurveda for years. (I also ate according to my dosha (#kapha), oil pulled and took oil baths daily).
+ One of my first lessons in learning how to trust the Universe was couch surfing with strangers for 6 mo. in Los Angeles. Didn’t know where I was going to sleep, but I always managed to find a place.
+ I have past-lives in Egypt and Atlantis, and a deep connection to Sirius which shows up in my life in all sorts of crazy, fun ways like unexpectedly swimming with a pair of Minke Whales in the Great Barrier Reef.
+ The X-Files theme song is comforting to me.